How to read the web responses from the results of the Amazon .NET API

Modify the source code to get this ability:


- Add a property to hold the HttpWebResponse object.


- Add a property to hold the HttpWebResponse object.


- Add a property to hold the HttpWebResponse object.

There are a series of classes which transfer the data from the internal objects to the output objects within the API:

private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context,DeleteObjectResponse response)

private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context,PutObjectResponse response)

private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context,GetObjectResponse response)

Modify these methods so we can pass the response object to within the object returned by the API:

response.WebResponse = context.ResponseData.WebResponse;


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