
Showing posts from October, 2011

Keeping your original WCF config file and making it run in Azure as a worker role

If you get 405 errors while trying to access the WCF service with GET enabled in the config file, note that you will need to modify the config file behaviors area right next to where you enable httpget to the DNS name of the azure deployment: Otherwise, no matter what you do, you will not be able to get the browser to access the WCF URL. This is when you have HTTP end points for the WCF service with internal endpoint of azure. if  (!InAzureCloud && !InAzureEnvironment) {  return ; } RoleInstanceEndpoint externalEndPoint =  RoleEnvironment .CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints[ "EndPoint" ]; Configuration  appConfig =  ConfigurationManager .OpenExeConfiguration( ConfigurationUserLevel .None); ServiceModelSectionGroup serviceModel =  ServiceModelSectionGroup .GetSectionGroup(appConfig); ServicesSection servicesSection = serviceModel.Services;              var  serviceElement = ( from  System.ServiceModel.Configuration. ServiceElement  p  in  se

Handling "System.ServiceModel.AddressAlreadyInUseException: HTTP could not register URL" Exception in Compute Emulator with Windows Azure SDK 1.5

The only other post I found online does not properly explain how to fix this issue: Just go to your app.config file, and in the binding tag for all the services, specify: hostNameComparisonMode = " Exact " For custom bindings, this can be specified as shown below: < customBinding >         < binding >           < httpTransport  h ostNameComparisonMode = " Exact "  /> </binding> </customBinding>

Understanding Microsoft Software

Sometimes it is necessary to understand how MS as a company is moving forward to get an idea about the best way to go forward with your code at the high level. I have already explained in another post how MS badly screwed up for a long time, because of their monopoly and they felt that they could reuse everything they had already built in future products. After the iPhone, they probably realized that they would die if they continued to hoist Windows Mobile 6.5 on consumers. Once the iPod touch was released and it was a bug hit, they started a change in the way they developed new products. It started with the Zune, where they built the OS for that mostly from a fresh, clean slate, and that became a success (w.r.t MS products), and they have followed the same principle for Windows Phone 7 as well. Just because there is something like MS Enterprise Library does not mean that we should batter our code with it, or integrate with it, especially now that it is a monster with several hun