Use Linq to update items in a list without using a for loop!

class Program
        public class MyEntity 
            public int property1;
            public int property2;
            public int property3;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<MyEntity> entities = new List<MyEntity>();
            entities.Add(new MyEntity() { property1 = 1 });
            entities.Add(new MyEntity() { property1 = 1 });
            entities.Add(new MyEntity() { property1 = 1 });
            entities.Add(new MyEntity() { property1 = 1 });
            entities.ForEach(p => p.property1 = 2);

Also, to make a select call without using for syntax:

List<MyEntity> filter = entities.Where(p => p.property1 == 2).ToList();

Where and Select without using for syntax:

list.Where(p => p.Property1 == value).Select(p => p.Property2Name).FirstOrDefault()


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