Just posted my first app to the iOS app store..

I am totally new to iOS development, but I am happy to see this time, it is very easy to submit the app to the app store.

Follow this URL: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/YourFirstAppStoreSubmission/SubmitYourApp/SubmitYourApp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011375-CH7-SW1

I had a few issues because my app was migrated from an older version of iOS:

1. To make the app increase its size automatically for all iOS device configurations, open the view controller XIB file, go to full screen view, on the top right corner, select the option to show the toolbar somewhere, and within this, select Project SDK in Deployment and Use Autolayout checkbox.

2. To compile for all iOS devices, select the project node on the top left corner when you open xcode, select the target > technews > select the device as "Universal", Deployment target as latest iOS version.


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