Using Visual Studio Remote Debugger between servers in different domains

Sometimes, you might want to use the visual studio remote debugger between 2 servers - one in the domain, and the other outside it.

Usually, if you try to do this, it will error out saying that the machine outside the domain cannot connect to your machine. Even if you try to put the credentials in the control panel - users area it will still not work.

Well, you know that the remote debugger itself has an option for debugging without authentication.

What I did not know was that Visual Studio 2010 SP1 can also debug without authentication. Just open the top combo box to see another option, if you select it, it will now let you debug, although note that this is not secure, so use this warily.

Remember to first go to the server where you want to debug and open the remote debugger > Tools > Options > No Authentication, and Allow any user to debug.

Then select transport as Remote (Native only with no authentication) in VS and the qualifier is the remote server name.

The above debugging is quite limited. I recently found a way to make it work after months of failing to do so. Basically, create a user on the server outside the domain with the same user name and password as your domain user. Then, run the remote debugging service as this user. Now, debugging will work. The problem was that the machine in the domain can talk to the other machine, but not vice-versa.

The thing to remember is that if you have a problem connecting to any resource which needs a windows credential, it is possible to do so from the control panel >> user accounts >> manage your credentials. Here, you can save the user name and passwords which you want to reuse without remembering.


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